Ignoring the Noise

A top challenge for any given startup is breaking through the noise. 

And noise is everywhere.

We are privileged to be in an environment where there’s a lot of opportunity to work on a startup while trying to be innovative and entrepreneurial. The problem is, you’re in there with a lot of other people trying to do similar things.

More people means more noise.

So, how do you break through that noise?

Try as hard as you can to not fall prey to the echo chamber. This is especially true when you see massive funding rounds or when you hear that another company you were competitive with got a term sheet from a top tier fund. 

Ignore the noise. Don’t mimic what everybody else is doing. Pay less attention to what the trends are in NYC. 

A startup is going to be one of the most emotional rollercoasters that you’re likely to ever embark on, so stay grounded however you can.

The amount of noise and getting caught up in trying to mimic what’s going on in NYC or hearing about the gossip that gets passed around in San Francisco can be daunting.

It’s very important to stay in your lane and run your own race. 

Try not to get caught up.

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